
The Whole Works of Thomas Boston, Volume 5: A Soliloquy on the Art of Man-Fishing is unavailable, but you can change that!

Thomas Boston was a gifted preacher, a master of the biblical languages, an astute theologian, and an enormously influential Presbyterian minister. Jonathan Edwards called him “a truly great divine,” and Joel Beeke writes that “Boston’s sermons are models of sound exegesis combined with experiential piety and admonition.” Boston’s theologically rich and deeply pastoral writings make him essential...

times the wind of God’s Spirit in the word lays the tall cedars in sin down upon the ground, when they that seem to be as low shrubs in respect of them, stand fast upon their root. Publicans and harlots shall enter the kingdom of heaven before self-righteous Pharisees. 7. What thinkest thou, O my soul, of that doctrine that lays aside this power of the Spirit, and makes moral suasion all that is requisite to the fishing of men? That doctrine is hateful to thee. My soul loaths it, as attributing too
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